Back from Conference and latest updates …

We’ve been away for the past few days running my Institute’s Scottish Conference (day job) which seemed to go very well.

Was pleased to note on return that the “To Let” sign at the roundabout on Riverside Avenue (just west of the Marmalade Pot) has now been repaired by its owners, Ryden (see above right). I had contacted Ryden’s Dundee office recently following complaints by residents that the sign was damaged and swaying in the wind.
Noted with some hilarity that the Norfolk Blogger (AKA – Nich Starling) has given me a mention in his “Top 50 LibDem blogs” (you can read more by clicking the headline above!) :

First Anniversary, and the parking issue again …

It is the first birthday of my blog today – err, Happy Birthday to me ….

The Courier called me yesterday following on from the earlier article about the Magdalen Green damage/parking issue (click on headline above to view earlier article) and in the news item in today’s paper, I emphasise the need for any solution to include residents’ priority parking – consultation on which will take place later this Spring.

Thought I’d use the first anniversary of the blog to promote another local blog and website, very impressively created by a West End resident:

It’s a new website with independent listings of events, music, art, culture, restaurants, attractions and much more in the city. The website gathers information from many sources, and provides a vibrant, dynamic, up-to-date summary of what’s happening in Dundee.

with regular “Top 5” listings of upcoming events…

Both well worth a visit.