Speed limit reduction

I am pleased to report that on Monday night, at the Planning & Transport Committee, the City Council committee I chair, agreement was reached to finalise the speed limit reduction on the westmost part of Perth Road (west of the Invercarse), the small stretch of Riverside Drive north of the Marmalade Pot and on Ninewells Avenue.


This follows a consultation exercise – the responses received both from residents and from West End Community Council strongly supported the speed reduction.


The fact that the speed limit in this area has been 40mph, whereas all the residential roads east of it are 30mph has always struck me as an anomoly – the speed limit on the Perth Road section was set in the early 1960s when this was the main route to Perth – long before the creation of Riverside Avenue. Furthermore, significant residential housing – such as Clouvis Duveau Drive and Clayhills Grove – has since been built.
River Crescent Residents’ Association has pointed out that the difficulties turning out of
River Crescent into Perth Road would be eased by the speed reduction, leaving aside the obvious point that a 40mph limit is inappropriate in what has long become a residential area.


Here is notice of the traffic order, issued by the City Council, following Monday’s decision :



Dundee City Council propose to make an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be to improve safety by reducing the current 40 mph speed limit to 30 mph.

Full details of the proposals are contained in the draft Order, which together with a Statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order may be examined during normal office hours and without payment of fee at Dundee City Council offices, Reception, Floor 4, 21 City Square, Dundee by any person, during a period of 21 days from 16 January 2009.

Any person may within 21 days from 16 January 2009 object to the proposed Order by notice in writing to the Depute Chief Executive (Support Services), Dundee City Council, 21 City Square, Dundee. Objections should state the name and address of the objector, the matters to which they relate and the grounds on which they are made.

Depute Chief Executive (Support Services)

Wednesday & Thursday

Attended Blackness Area Residents’ Association meeting on Wednesday evening and been spending much time campaigning across the West End.
Yesterday, met with Housing Department staff at Pentland to look at the parking problems. We agreed that I will now formally request that the department carries out a feasibility study to look at options to improve the situation. There are clearly physical limitations – the steepness west of Saggar Street for example – although we did see scope for extending the turning circle area at the top end of Pentland Crescent & providing more parking. This could be done without a loss of trees.
On Saturday past I reported on the blog the damage to the bus stop opposite Clayhills Grove (see previous story by clicking on headline above) – pleased to receive following feedback from the City Council:
“Further to my last e mail the Elite solar bus stop pole that was damaged in Perth Road has been repaired and checked operational.”

Beautiful Saturday!

The Macpherson Team had a super day in the West End (to be accurate, we spent the morning helping elsewhere across the City) but the afternoon was spent in the West End campaigning. The reception has been exceptionally positive and I am grateful to all residents for their support.
Whilst campaigning in Perth Road, I noticed the bus stop information panel opposite Clayhills Grove has been vandalised (see below); have reported this to the City Council.

Can I thank everyone helping us today – a real team effort – many thanks!