Invergowrie Medical Practice update

A number of residents have contacted us about the unfortunate possible closure of the Invergowrie Medical Practice from 16th June.

Although this is situated across the boundary with Perth and Kinross, of its 1891 patients, 343 are in Dundee and of these 108 live in the West End.

The current position is that a group of representatives from NHS Tayside and the Perth and Kinross and Dundee health and social care partnerships has been established and it will consider five possible options :

  • Invitation to submit a business case for another GP Practice to take over the practice contract
  • Merge with another independent practice
  • Merge with one of the two Dundee practices already operated directly by NHS Tayside
  • Operate the practice directly by NHS Tayside
  • Close the practice and disperse patients across other practices in surrounding areas

The outcome of the options appraisal will subsequently go before the Perth and Kinross and Dundee health and social care partnerships in due course and a final decision will then be made by NHS Tayside.

We are pleased to speak with any West End resident about the situation.

Ryehill Health Centre – latest update #dundeewestend

Further to our earlier updates about the impending closure of GP services from the Ryehill Health Centre, residents have contacted up to ask why letters – promised by NHS Tayside by the end of May – advising patients of which practice they are being transferred to from 1st July, have yet to arrive.

We queried this with the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership and have been advised by the Senior Manager Service Development and Primary Care as follows :

“As you have noted the impact of the Friockheim closure on the 31st May has slightly delayed finalising information for Ryehill patients, for which we apologise. 

The team is in the final stages of this and I now hope to have this complete and letters posted very soon. 

I will update you when I know when this is.”

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader raises Ryehill Health Centre with Cabinet Secretary for Health #dundeewestend

As recently reported in the Courier (see below), the Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has intervened in the Ryehill Health Centre concerns by raising the issue with Humza Yousaf, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care.

Alex said :

“I have raised the concerns over Ryehill Health Centre with the health secretary at the request of West End Councillor Fraser Macpherson who has already asked NHS Tayside to consider taking over the running of the health centre rather than see it closed and the patients having to be disbursed to other GP practices.

“The impact of having to absorb 5400 patients into other local GP practices would be very significant, adding to pressure in these other practices but also meaning that all the Ryehill patients will have to be found new GPs – a huge task.

“It would make a lot of sense for the health board to take over the direct running of Ryehill and I have asked the health secretary to step in to ensure that NHS Tayside taking over the direct running of the health centre is firmly on the table.”

I had already written to Lorna Birse-Stewart, Chair of Tayside Health Board, and Grant Archibald, Chief Executive of NHS Tayside seeking clarification of the Health Board’s commitment to the 5400 Dundee patients affected by the proposed closure of the Ryehill Health Centre and saying it should do all it can to keep the practice open.

NHS Tayside needs to be much clearer as to how it will support the patients at Ryehill and I have asked for assurances that the Health Board has discussed all the options and will consider taking over the running of the health centre rather than see it closed and the patients disbursed to other GP practices.

NHS Tayside and the Health and Social Care Partnership have to be clear as to how it is tackling the Ryehill medical practice’s decision to relinquish its contract with the Health Board and supporting the thousands of patients involved to have access to GP services locally.

I cannot accept that, after so many years of service to the community, the approach of the Health Board is to simply accept it closes. It must look at the option of running the practice itself to keep it open. NHS Tayside already directly runs four GP practices across Tayside including the Maryfield Health Centre. If it can be done there, it can be done at Ryehill Health Centre.

I am very pleased that Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP has now raised this with the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care as we need assurances from ministers and from the health board that the proposal to save Ryehill Health Centre through direct NHS Tayside management will be actively considered by the Health Board.

It strikes me as infinitely preferable that the health board keeps the practice open under NHS Tayside management than closes it which would mean thousands of people having to be found a new GP. Adding 5400 people across the other GP practices in Dundee will simply add to the pressure on these practices and the quality of service and I don’t see that as in any way the best outcome.

Ryehill Health Centre – an update #dundeewestend

I have written to Lorna Birse-Stewart, Chair of Tayside Health Board, and Grant Archibald, Chief Executive of NHS Tayside seeking clarification of the Health Board’s commitment to the 5 400 Dundee patients affected by the proposed closure of the Ryehill Health Centre and saying it should do all it can to keep the practice open.

NHS Tayside needs to be much clearer as to how it will support the patients at Ryehill and he has asked for assurances that the Health Board has discussed all the options and will consider taking over the running of the health centre rather than see it closed and the patients disbursed to other GP practices.

The Health Board and the Health and Social Care Partnership have to be clear as to how it is tackling the Ryehill medical practice’s decision to relinquish its contract with the Health Board and supporting the thousands of patients involved to have access to GP services locally.    

I cannot accept that, after so many years of service to the community, the approach of the Health Board is to simply accept it closes.    It must look at the option of running the practice itself to keep it open.   NHS Tayside already directly runs four GP practices across Tayside including the Maryfield Health Centre.   If it can be done there, it can be done at Ryehill Health Centre and I am seeking assurances that this will be actively considered by the Health Board.Although I was sent a briefing about the Ryehill situation earlier this week, there has been a lack of clarity on exactly how patients will be supported to have GP access in the future.

It strikes me as infinitely preferable that the health board keeps the practice open under NHS Tayside management than closes it which would mean thousands of people having to be found a new GP.      

Adding 5400 people across the other GP practices in Dundee will simply add to the pressure on these practices and the quality of service and I don’t see that as in any way the best outcome.

Getting things done – Westgate Health Centre #dundeewestend

Many West End residents use the Westgate Health Centre for their GP services.

I have received requests that the practice has a handrail added outside the entrance to assist patients with mobility difficulties parking in the disabled parking bays to get from there to the GP entrance.

I raised this with NHS Tayside and its Medical Director has helpfully responded as follows :

“NHS Tayside is committed to ensuring our sites are accessible for patients and I can confirm that improvements to ramp access have been made and automatic doors have been installed at the health centre in recent years.

The issue regarding the lack of handrails has been passed to our Property Team and I can advise that a handrail will be designed and fitted as soon as possible.   This is being done in consultation with the Westgate Practice Manager.   

We will also undertake an assessment of the roadways and footpaths as required to ensure the continued safety of patients.”

Power of Attorney – Start the Conversation

Power of Attorney is a campaign funded by the Scottish Government to raise awareness of the importance of having a Power of Attorney granted to a trusted relative or friend. 
The campaign involves a partnership between NHS Tayside, Angus, Dundee and Perth and Kinross Councils and local law firms.
Many people are unaware that if they become ill or injured and are unable to make decisions for themselves, no one else can do this on their behalf unless they have legally been given power to do so through a Power of Attorney.
The campaign is encouraging people to talk to trusted family and friends about establishing a Power of Attorney.
Whatever age you are, it is important to think about and make plans for the future. The first step is to have conversations about your wishes, hopes and fears about how you would like to be cared for if you become ill.
If you are in hospital, a care environment or even your own home, no one can act for you to pay bills, manage your welfare or make key decisions unless you have made your plan.
Having a Power of Attorney in place can ensure that your wishes are carried out quickly without prolonged legal negotiations. Your next of kin is powerless without Power of Attorney.
The campaign website: provides valuable help and information.
For further information about the campaign in Tayside download the “With Power of Attorney, the Future is in your hands” booklet.   Hard copies of this booklet can also be obtained by calling 425500.

Last couple of days …

Over the past couple of days I have had a number of useful meetings regarding West End issues, including speaking with constituents on a number of local matters.
On Tuesday morning, I had a very useful discussion on local policing matters with Inspector Alistair Black of Police Scotland, our local police inspector.   I also met with Iain MacKinnon, the new President of Dundee University Students’ Association and thereafter, along with Angela Mehlert, the Chair of the Friends of Magdalen Green, I met with Dr David Rodley of the University of Dundee’s School of Engineering, Physics and Maths, together with four students.   The purpose of the latter meeting was to discuss progress with the renewable energy lighting project at Magdalen Green, and it was good to learn about progress towards this being installed, hopefully towards the end of 2013/early 2014.
The Friends’ Committee met later on Tuesday and Angela and I were able to update the committee on the lighting project progress.    In a very positive committee meeting, we discussed progress with the Roseangle Playpark Campaign, including the upcoming orienteering event and the photographic competition.   We also agreed that the Friends of Magdalen Green event as part of West End Christmas Fortnight will be a Soup and Pudding Lunch at Dundee West Church on Saturday 7th December.  More details to follow!
Yesterday, I had a very worthwhile meeting with a constituent and her family members along with Valerie Busher, Community Fundraising Development Manager at Maggie’s Centre.   The issue is the access to Maggie’s Centre from Ninewells Hospital for those travelling on foot, particularly for patients and those with mobility difficulties and we discussed matters like improved signage and promotion of the hospital’s mini-bus service.   I’m very grateful to Valerie for the time she spent with us yesterday and she is kindly progressing the issues with NHS Tayside.
Last night, I attended the Harris Academy Parent Council Annual General Meeting, the first meeting the Parent Council has held in the Lawton Road site.   It was an extremely well-attended AGM at which Mandy Trickett was elected the new Chair and Lesley Teviotdale was elected the new Vice Chair.   Graham McKay, the retiring Chair was thanked for all his work as Chair.    Harris Academy opens this morning for the first time at its decant site in Lawton Road and I was able to update parents on the bus transport situation.    We had a tour of the school after the meeting and thanks go to all the staff who have put in a huge effort to get the building ready for the 1000+ pupils who will return to school today.

Here4U project seeks volunteers

A new community project in Dundee aimed at supporting people who are receiving end of life care at home, is seeking volunteers.
The Here4U project provides extra support to these people and offers the opportunity of social interaction to improve the individual’s quality of life. It is a service for people who have a life-limiting illness and are receiving palliative care.
Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of individuals and their families facing the problems associated with life-limiting illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering. It provides relief from pain and other distressing symptoms and offers a support system to help the family cope during the person’s illness and in their own bereavement.
The project is seeking people 18 years of age and over, from a variety of backgrounds and with diverse experience. They should be able to dedicate between two and four hours per week to the project. Sometimes those who have cared for someone receiving end of life care decide to volunteer themselves.
Community Volunteer Service Manager Derek McFarlane said, “Volunteers will build a relationship with an individual who is receiving palliative care. The relationship is based upon trust, support and confidentiality, and the volunteer will offer social support over a period of time.
“We are looking for volunteers who can give a commitment of time to the service. They should also have the ability to get along with others and be someone who values others’ opinions and beliefs whilst being able to listen.”
All volunteers will receive training and will have regular meetings to discuss how they are managing with the volunteering role and to offer them support. Associated expenses will be able to be claimed back.
For further information contact Derek McFarlane, Community Volunteer Service Manager, Roxburghe House, Dundee, DD1 1SP, call 01382 423134 (office hours Monday – Friday) or email

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms screening

As part of a national screening programme, men aged 65 in Dundee and the rest of Tayside will be invited to attend a local clinic to receive an ultrasound scan which can detect Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) – a condition that affects one in 20 men.
The condition affects the aorta – the main artery that runs from the heart down through the chest and abdomen. As people get older, the wall of the aorta in the abdomen can become weak and balloon out, forming an aneurysm. AAA is most common in men aged 65 and over. Most are unaware that they have the condition and will have no symptoms. For many men the rupture of the aneurysm is the very first sign of the problem. 
For further information on AAA screening call the NHS inform helpline on 0800 22 44 88 or visit the Screening Scotland website at

333 bus service

Back in August, I wrote to the Chief Executive of NHS Tayside expressing concern about the reduction in Service 333 – the ‘hospital link’ bus, primarily between Ninewells Hospital and Perth Royal Infirmary.
I have had constituents who are either NHS staff or hospital visitors contact me regarding their concerns and have therefore corresponded with both the NHS and Perth and Kinross Council (who tendered the service for NHS Tayside) on the matter.
Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to discuss the matter further with my friend and colleague Cllr Willie Wilson of Perth and Kinross Council.   Willie has met with NHS Tayside representatives and staff regarding the situation.   The positive news is that core journeys will be saved and, although it will not be at the previous level of service, it will at least provide some service in the evenings and at weekends.   The additional Service 16 journeys (click here to see – new journeys highlighted in yellow) are to be welcomed.

Medical records dumped in West Port

Following the revelation that NHS Tayside medical records have been found dumped in a bin recess area at the back of tenements in West Port, I have had several constituents express concern about this and I have written to the Chief Executive of NHS Tayside in the following terms:

“I have had a number of constituents express concern to me about the recent finding of medical records dumped in a bin recess area in the West Port area of my ward.

I would be grateful if you would give me an explanation as to how this happened and a reassurance that, on fully investigating the circumstances as to how this happened, procedures will be tightened to ensure that this could not occur again in the future.”

Having in the past raised residents’ complaints about the state of some of the back areas at West Port, I have also been again in touch with one of the landlords about getting these back areas properly tidied.

Scottish Liberal Democrat Leader, Willie Rennie MSP, has rightly called for a Scotland-wide investigation of the safe and proper disposal of medical records – see below:


A Scotland-wide investigation into information management by the NHS has been called for following the dumping of patient records in Dundee.  The records which hold sensitive information on 22 patients from Dundee, Angus and Fife were found dumped in a bin recess in Dundee.

Willie Rennie, Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, has called for a Scotland wide inquiry.
Commenting, he said:

“This is yet another example of poor control of patient records and information management in the NHS in Scotland.  To dump sensitive information in a bin instead of ensuring safe disposal could be an indication of a slack attitude.

“I am pleased that NHS Tayside has already agreed to investigate the matter, but the problem is that NHS Tayside is not alone.  

“NHS Ayrshire and Arran were heavily criticised by the Information Commissioner for their management of important information.  The failure in Ayrshire and Arran crucially involved learning the lessons from patient deaths.

“The Health Secretary has so far refused to conduct a Scotland wide inquiry but she needs to think again after this latest episode.  I urge her today to agree to an inquiry so that the mistakes in Ayrshire and Arran and in Tayside are not repeated.”  

Problems with parking at Ninewells Hospital

As residents are aware, I have long campaigned for improvements in the parking situation at Ninewells Hospital, including campaigning against parking charges at the hospital (that Scottish Government, despite SNP election promises, has failed to abolish), difficulties getting parked in the Vinci Park-operated car parks in the hospital grounds, and the overspill of cars that impact upon residential streets in the West End Ward to the east and south of the hospital area.

Following a spate of further complaints from staff and visitors (both out-patients and friends and relatives visiting in-patients) about difficulties finding a parking space at the hospital, I wrote to NHS Tayside recently asking if Vinci Park and NHS Tayside are aware of these difficulties, monitor the growth of car usage within the hospital site and have considered future provision of further car parking capacity.

I have received a detailed response from NHS Tayside’s Head of Site and Support Services at Ninewells Hospital as follows :

“In respect of the issues around car parking I can advise that we are indeed experiencing our annual/seasonal high pressure on parking at the hospital and we do keep a close eye on the varying demands by close monitoring with the car park contractor Vinci Park.
I have confidence that the changes we mad a few years ago to protect car parks closest to the hospital is continuing to provide the desired effect and by and large these car parks (car parks 5, 6 and 7) do indeed turn over on  regular and frequent basis during the day due to the time restriction control (4 hours). Similar time controls in the disabled car park area also continues to allow ease of access for disabled drivers arriving at site throughout the day.
In terms of staff, we are continuing to review our site Travel Planning approach with efforts to encourage higher use of public Transport, given that we have an excellent bus terminus at our main entrance.  Additionally we will experience an increase in the use of bicycle transport by staff as is normal once the winter period is over. Also at this time of year, there is a generally low uptake of staff annual leave but this increases from February onwards which will reduce the pressure experienced at this time of year.
In respect of Park & Ride, we do already work very closely with TACTRAN and also Dundee City Council and fully support the Park & Ride initiative that is being planned for the Dundee West location.  We fully believe that this will greatly assist with the continuing parking pressures.
In terms of providing additional parking facilities on site, I’m sure you will appreciate that for a number of reasons this is not in our strategic plans.  Likewise we understand that Dundee City Council (supported by TACTRAN) do not consider increased parking provision to be something that can be supported from a planning perspective. 
Out with what is currently our Seasonal high pressure we will continue to closely monitor parking capacity and in reviewing our Travel Plan (with support from TACTRAN) we will continue to focus efforts to try and encourage staff in particular to make higher use of what is already a very good public transport network in and around Dundee along with further promotion of walking and cycling to work, which also has a health benefit for staff.”

James Arrott Drive

As reported in tonight’s Evening Telegraph, NHS Tayside is considering permanently closing James Arrott Drive in the Ninewells Hospital grounds to through traffic, following the completion of work on two major developments that have closed the road temporarily – the new nuclear medicine unit building project and a new extension to the assisted conception unit. 

As I said in the Tele, I appreciate the problems of irresponsible speeding on this stretch of road but I hope NHS Tayside will consider all options, including traffic calming.

Last couple of days …

Yesterday, as well as attending the latest meeting of the West End Schools’ Project Board and my weekly surgery at Blackness Primary School, I had the pleasure of attending a civic reception at the City Chambers to highlight Dundee’s support for the Perth 800 celebrations and for Perth’s bid for city status. Both Dundee Lord Provost John Letford and Perth and Kinross Provost Dr John Hulbert gave entertaining speeches and it was good to see a good turnout of both Perth and Dundee representatives.

Today, I had a very productive meeting with Chief Superintendent Gavin Robertson, Detective Chief Inspector Shaun McKillop and Inspector Dave Scott from Tayside Police,
following concerns about break-ins in parts of the West End.

The police representatives emphasised that the police are giving high priority to the break-ins situation across the Dundee Division of Tayside Police. Specifically, in terms of Beat 26 in the West End Ward, which covers the east part of the ward (excluding the Perth Road corridor) from the river up to Pentland, there has been significant targeted police resource being put in and in terms of detection and prevention this is showing signs of improvement with a detection rate above the city average (covering both theft and reset). Use of proactive patrols and intelligence-led stop and search is proving helpful.

The police are keen to ensure that residents are given good security advice and we had a very useful discussion about promoting and extending controlled entry systems for tenement/flatted properties. They are also keen to meet with local residents’ groups to update them on what action is being taken both to prevent and detect thefts from houses, garages and sheds in the area.

A new crime prevention advice book is also being published and I have asked for copies for constituents.

I am pleased that the police are taking very proactive and positive steps to tackle this serious issue.

Also today, I took part in a briefing about suicide prevention at which representatives of various organisations, including the City Council, NHS Tayside, Tayside Police, the University of Dundee, took part. It was appropriate that this took place on World Suicide Prevention Day.

Given the concerns we all have about the suicides of young people in the city over the summer, this was an important event to discuss suicide prevention measures being taken locally, multi-agency working, and support for people and their families.

I asked questions about support and about awareness training. A full report on the outcomes from today’s meeting will go to the council’s Social Work and Health Commitee. Full details of the Scottish Government’s Choose Life campaign is available at

NHS Tayside – Transportation of drugs

Last month, I reported upon a useful and productive meeting I had with the Chair, Chief Executive and Head of Pharmacy at NHS Tayside about the transportation of drugs issue.   I had previously raised concerns about this matter.

As reported in today’s Courier, the issues have been resolved and I pay tribute to NHS Tayside for its willingness to discuss my concerns and react positively to the points I made. Here is the letter that I have received from the NHS Tayside Chief Executive :

Dear Councillor Macpherson


Thank you for coming to see us last week. I hope you found our meeting helpful.

Just to confirm that following our meeting we have agreed to:-

1 Take a paper to our Improvement and Quality/Clinical Governance Committee of the Board explaining the arrangements for transport of non controlled medicines from Ninewells Hospital to Perth Royal Infirmary and to ask for their endorsement of the arrangements.

2 To retain the paperwork associated with the receipt and recording of medicines from Ninewells Hospital to Perth Royal Infirmary for a period of 6 months.

I trust this confirms your understanding of our discussions.

Yours sincerely

Professor Tony Wells
Chief Executive

Transportation of drugs – an update

Last month, I covered concerns about the transportation of drugs between Ninewells Hospital, Perth Royal Infirmary and Royal Victoria Hospital by public bus. I have since has various exchanges with Professor Tony Wells, Chief Executive of NHS Tayside, on the matter.

This morning, we had a useful discussion about the matter.   Professor Wells has agreed that once the NHS Tayside Chair, Sandy Watson is back from leave, he’ll put to him my request that the policy goes before the NHS Tayside Board for discussion. He says the Chair may prefer that it goes to the appropriate committee of the board. I have no problem with this given that their deliberations have to be reported to the Board in any case.

I also asked that consideration be given to retention of records of drugs transported by bus be kept for longer than a week (as they currently are) to allow for proper scrutiny of these records should, for example, a Freedom of Information request be made. Professor Wells indicated that he is prepared to consider that and will respond to me in due course on both aspects in writing.

Latest round up …

Friday’s Evening Telegraph and Saturday’s Courier covered concerns about the transportation of drugs on the 333 bus service that runs between Perth Royal Infirmary, Ninewells Hospital and Royal Victoria Hospital.

I had raised concerns with Professor Tony Wells and have received the following response :

“Thank you for your e-mail of 27 May 2010 regarding the transportation of controlled drugs via the Service 333 Hospital Link Bus.

I wish to advise you that following the recent extension of the bus route to include Royal Victoria Hospital, ad hoc pharmacy requests for items required outwith the scheduled delivery service are being transported via this method. Controlled drugs are not included in the items that are to be sent via this method of transport. I do however understand that when this service commenced there was one occasion when a controlled drug was sent to Royal Victoria Hospital along with a number of other pharmacy items. This was an error and measures have been put in place to ensure this will not occur in the future. The use of the bus to transport goods is seen as good use of an existing resource and a way of avoiding unnecessary expenditure. Any goods placed on and removed from the bus are carried out by NHS Tayside staff, with the goods being transported in a locked compartment.”

I have responded as follows :

“I have concerns that any drugs are being transported by public transport and would ask what risk assessment has been carried out in this respect? What guidelines exist within the NHS in Scotland with respect to the transportation of drugs and do these clarify good practice in relation to transportation by public transport? Can I ask if the “locked compartment” is a static and unmovable part of the bus or is it a portable unit? Is it out of reach of a child? Can I also seek assurances that there is a responsible person of staff accompanying the transportation and that there are adequate security arrangements?”

I will update residents when I receive answers to these questions.

Ward 6 Royal Victoria Hospital – an update

I had a very constructive meeting today with Gerry Marr, Chief Operating Officer at NHS Tayside and Arlene Wood, Clinical Service Manager.

I have received the following assurances :

* Any proposed changes will not be based on financial matters but on improving patient care.

* The rationale is to ensure that those elderly people who require rapid acute assessment do not have numerous trips by ambulance from Royal Victoria Hospital (RVH) and Ninewells.

* Patients who require rehabilitation will still receive this at RVH – at wards 4, 5, 7, and 8.

* Gerry Marr is willing to meet constituents and community groups to discuss any concerns.

Talks with NHS Tayside over the future of Ward 6, Royal Victoria Hospital

Last week, I wrote to NHS Tayside again to highlight my concerns – and those of many constituents – over the future of elderly persons’ services at Ward 6, Royal Victoria Hospital.

I am pleased to say that NHS Tayside has given me an invitation to meet with Gerry Marr, Chief Operating Officer, NHS Tayside, on Tuesday to discuss the issues and the concerns I have raised.

It is clear from medical professionals’ concerns that the proposals in relation to Ward 6 have thrown up very real issues and I therefore welcome the opportunity to meet with NHS Tayside.

It is particularly important that NHS Tayside hears Dundee constituents’ concerns give that Shona Robison, Public Health Minister, has unfortunately washed her hands of the issue.

I felt it was important that the Public Health Minister took action rather than simply listening to the views of NHS Tayside and apparently not hearing the views of patients and senior clinicians.    I have been inundated with concerns from constituents about this matter and its all the more disappointing that Shona Robison has chosen not to listen to the concerns.

I do, however, hope for constructive talks on Tuesday with NHS Tayside, when I can highlight the issues raised by many constituents across the West End.

Royal Victoria Hospital – update on concerns about older people services

Following the numerous further concerns about the review of older people services at NHS Tayside, the threatened closure of Ward 6 at Royal Victoria Hospital and the failure of the Public Health Minister to intervene, I have now written to Professor Tony Wells, Chief Executive of NHS Tayside, in the following terms:

“Further to your letter of 11th May to me, I have continued to receive numerous concerns from constituents about the proposals relative to Ward 6 at Royal Victoria Hospital and these concerns have clearly been recognised by the senior clinicians who I understand have written to you to also voice their concerns.

I would be grateful if you would now consider reconsideration of the proposals that will give reassurance to my constituents who are most concerned about the effect on the quality of care for elderly people. “