Vandalism of police and fire equipment

Following on from today’s news release from the Scottish Liberal Democrats about vandalism to police and fire equipment across Scotland (published below), I was interviewed on Radio Tay News this morning about the matter. Go to to listen.


Liberal Democrat Justice spokesperson Robert Brown has revealed that police boards and fire boards across the country continue to be plagued by vandals.

Using Freedom of Information requests to Police Boards and Fire Boards across the country, the Liberal Democrats have discovered worrying

Commenting, Mr Brown said, “We depend on our emergency services to do a very challenging job in often difficult circumstances.

“We already know they often face violent attacks in the course of their jobs. The latest figures say that 1,150 attacks on emergency workers on duty were carried out in Scotland last year.

“Now our figures show that police and fire officers’ equipment is being vandalised and their property destroyed.

“The incidents we’ve uncovered range from vandalising police cars, to mindless and disgusting vandalism of police cells.

“Cleaning up the mess that vandals leave behind takes valuable resources away from our frontline emergency services, who we know are already struggling to manage tight budgets.”

FOI – vandalism of emergency service equipment

Number of vandalism incidents
Tayside Police

2007 : 46

2008 : 46

2009 : 45

Total : 137

Last couple of days …

Yesterday, as well as attending the latest meeting of the West End Schools’ Project Board and my weekly surgery at Blackness Primary School, I had the pleasure of attending a civic reception at the City Chambers to highlight Dundee’s support for the Perth 800 celebrations and for Perth’s bid for city status. Both Dundee Lord Provost John Letford and Perth and Kinross Provost Dr John Hulbert gave entertaining speeches and it was good to see a good turnout of both Perth and Dundee representatives.

Today, I had a very productive meeting with Chief Superintendent Gavin Robertson, Detective Chief Inspector Shaun McKillop and Inspector Dave Scott from Tayside Police,
following concerns about break-ins in parts of the West End.

The police representatives emphasised that the police are giving high priority to the break-ins situation across the Dundee Division of Tayside Police. Specifically, in terms of Beat 26 in the West End Ward, which covers the east part of the ward (excluding the Perth Road corridor) from the river up to Pentland, there has been significant targeted police resource being put in and in terms of detection and prevention this is showing signs of improvement with a detection rate above the city average (covering both theft and reset). Use of proactive patrols and intelligence-led stop and search is proving helpful.

The police are keen to ensure that residents are given good security advice and we had a very useful discussion about promoting and extending controlled entry systems for tenement/flatted properties. They are also keen to meet with local residents’ groups to update them on what action is being taken both to prevent and detect thefts from houses, garages and sheds in the area.

A new crime prevention advice book is also being published and I have asked for copies for constituents.

I am pleased that the police are taking very proactive and positive steps to tackle this serious issue.

Also today, I took part in a briefing about suicide prevention at which representatives of various organisations, including the City Council, NHS Tayside, Tayside Police, the University of Dundee, took part. It was appropriate that this took place on World Suicide Prevention Day.

Given the concerns we all have about the suicides of young people in the city over the summer, this was an important event to discuss suicide prevention measures being taken locally, multi-agency working, and support for people and their families.

I asked questions about support and about awareness training. A full report on the outcomes from today’s meeting will go to the council’s Social Work and Health Commitee. Full details of the Scottish Government’s Choose Life campaign is available at

House break-ins concerns

Last night’s Evening Telegraph gave a comprehensive report on house break-ins across Dundee.

Police Beat 26 (the area of the West End Ward at the east of the ward – running from Pentland in the north to Riverside Drive in the south but excluding the Perth Road corridor) had the most break-ins during 2009-10 – 52 in total, with 41 going undetected.

As I indicated in the Evening Telegraph :

“It is concerning that parts of the area have seen high levels of break-ins over the past year, but I am pleased that the police locally have been putting in significant effort into the prevention and detection of this sort of crime. We have excellent community police officers in the area and it is really important that every effort is made to stop this sort of crime and successfully detect the criminals who break into properties.

“Tayside Police offers free crime prevention advice that can help a householder ensure that their home is given proper protection against intruders and I’d urge residents to make use of this excellent free service. It is also important that any resident informs the police if they notice any sort of suspicious activity.

“I have written to Chief Constable Justine Curran about the high break-in figures seeking a meeting to discuss what further steps can be taken in the area to reduce the level of break-ins in the area.”

I am to be meeting with Tayside Police on Friday to discuss the issue further.

Car vandalism in Forest Park Road

Following the graffiti vandalism to around 20 cars in the Forest Park Road area on Monday night, I was in touch yesterday with Tayside Police about the matter.

Residents are naturally outraged at this sort of mindless vandalism and I would urge anyone who saw anything suspicious in the area late Monday night or in the early hours of Tuesday morning to contact the Police.

I have raised with our local police inspector the possible use of mobile CCTV in the area.

Car speed concern : Tayside Police reply

At the weekend, I wrote to the Chief Constable following the concern about a high-speed car incident last week in parts of the city, including across the West End.

I have had an extremely prompt response from Tayside Police’s Central Division Road Policing Unit as follows :

“Cllr Macpherson

I refer to your communication received in respect of the matter involving the car driving at speed through Dundee and found abandoned in Clayhills Drive last Thursday 17 June 2010 and the concerns raised by your constituents.

As you will be aware I echoed your constituents concerns re – this type of behaviour in the media. With regard to the use of CCTV in relation to this type of incident I would comment as follows: As soon as the police became aware regarding the manner of driving of this vehicle CCTV was tasked with trying to locate the vehicle and assist with identification and as you suggest support the co-ordination of resource with the aim of preventing a continuation of this driving behaviour by the most appropriate means. A police patrol who had been in the area and who had become aware of the vehicle travelling at speed in Broughty Ferry Road made efforts to maintain observations on the vehicle with a similar aim in mind and update on its location until CCTV could assist as previously stated. The road policing officers in this vehicle, being fully aware of the likley increased road user activity at this time, continued to update their position and observations to ensure that resource(s) could be tasked, including CCTV, and also that their position and response could be fully considered.

The short timescales involved from the police becoming aware of this vehicle and the resultant abandoning of it in Clayhills Drive did make it extremely difficult to realise and co-ordinate an effective policing response to safely intercept and / or stop this vehicle. Police units were deployed strategically in an effort to lookout for this vehicle as the responding unit had considered its position and was endeavouring to update on the vehicles location and / or direction of travel rather than pursue the vehicle due to the possible risks to all road users.

The CCTV footage obtained and accounts from members of the public who have come forward to our appeals for assistance are all being examined at this time to identify the individuals involved in this incident.

Thank you for your communication and hope that this deals adequately with your query but should you wish anything clarified then please don`t hesitate to contact me direct.”

Letter to Chief Constable Justine Curran

Dear Chief Constable

I write following the high speed car drive across the city that saw the car speeding dangerously across parts of the West End Ward and further east, but including the busy Perth Road, and eventually being abandoned in Clayhills Drive.

Following concerned residents contacting me expressing concern about the stupidity of the driver who drove recklessly at excessive speed and with no concern for public safety, I write to ask what steps Tayside Police can take to minimise the possibility of such a lengthy dangerous driving in the future. Specifically, what role can CCTV make in assisting police to stop a vehicle cross a large part of the city?

I would be grateful for your feedback & thank you in advance.

Best regards


Cllr Fraser Macpherson
Councillor for the West End
Liberal Democrat Group Leader – Dundee City Council

Police Community Letter Boxes

Arising out of the recent Tayside Police Community Surgeries, including one at Blackness Library, the local Police are now introducing Community Letter Boxes to allow the public to raise non-emergency issues and any suggestions they may have.
The library is the location for the one in the West End, although I have suggested to the Police that another at the Mitchell Street Centre would be a good additional location for the north of the West End Ward.

Meetings tonight – and tomorrow

It was good to see residents turning out at the Police Community Surgery at Blackness Library at teatime today. I spoke with a number of residents about local issues, including cycling matters, the begging concern, litter and parking.

West End Community Council’s meeting tonight featured a useful presentation on the proposed Riverside Nature Park, as well as discussion on the Dundee West Transition Towns project, an update on the West End Primary Schools Project Board and WestFest 2010.

I am meeting the City Council’s Chief Executive tomorrow morning about the cuts in Fairer Scotland Funding, an issue I am greatly concerned about.

West End Latest!

This morning, the Courier covered my comments about the problem of wheelie bins sitting permanently on pavements in certain streets in the West End and action the City Council is taking to address the issue.

Today’s Evening Telegraph covers the issue of begging in Perth Road and Nethergate and my discussions with Tayside Police about the issue. As the article points out, tonight’s police community surgery at Blackness Library (5.30pm to 7pm) will be an opportunity for residents to air their views. Tonight’s West End Community Council also takes place immediately afterwards (7pm) at the nearby Logie and St John’s (Cross) Church Hall.

Good news on unadopted footways! Following residents’ requests to add Hillside Place to the list, I have been advised by the City Engineer as follows :

“Hillside Place has now been assessed and scored in accordance with the Unadopted Footways Scheme Criteria and has attracted 18 points, ie the same as Hillside Terrace. The list is currently under review so I am unable at this time to advise of these footways final position. I can confirm that the footways of Hillside Tce and Hillside Place would be done at the same time.”

He has also confirmed to me that the review of the list to enable priorities for upgrading for 2010/11 to be determined will be complete by the end of February.

Neighbourhood Watch in Logie

Tonight I attended a meeting of Logie Residents’ Association meeting at the sheltered housing lounge in Lime Street.

The topic for discussion was the possibility of establishing a new Neighbourhood Watch Scheme for the estate, similar to the successful one that ran in the area some years ago.

Some thirteen residents in the area have agreed to be “good neighbour” street representatives and I think the proposal is excellent in an area with a large elderly population. The scheme will get good support from our local community police officer, who regularly attends Logie Residents’ Association meetings and I have contacted the Director of Housing asking for additional funding for the group to be able to have “Neighbourhood Watch” signage put up in Logie and for similar initiatives.

The neighbourhood watch movement points out that …

“… the main aim of a Neighbourhood Watch scheme is to create a partnership between the local community, the police and the local authority.

Neighbourhood Watch started in the UK in 1982. There are now some 150,000 schemes running throughout the UK covering nearly five million households, which makes Neighbourhood Watch the largest voluntary movement in the country.

What can Neighbourhood Watch schemes do?

They can target local crime problems and take action to prevent them. In consultation with the local police they can find out from local people what crimes most concern and affect them and focus on those specific problems.

Most crime is opportunist, committed on the spur of the moment, or when a car or house is left unlocked. This means there is enormous scope for reducing chances for criminals.

Traditional Neighbourhood Watch activity has focused on the immediate vicinity of homes. However, more and more schemes are now broadening their range of work.

Local problems such as combating anti-social behaviour, vandalism and graffiti are well within the scope of a well-organised neighbourhood watch scheme. You can also take action such as fitting more secure door and window locks in vulnerable homes. You could also lobby the local authority, for example, to improve street lighting or step up the security of a communal entrance.”

You can visit the Association of Scottish Neighbourhood Watches website by going to

Update for the past week …

The past week has been extremely busy with West End issues. Here’s an update on some of the issues covered :

Thursday 21st : A useful meeting with the Director of Leisure and Communities over allotments issues.
I was concerned to receive concerns from residents about vandalism to the mini-recycling centre in Cleghorn Street – see right. It had been set alight and, in response to my e-mail raising the concern with the City Council’s Waste Strategy Officer responded,
“It is quite a cause for concern – the paper bin was only recently re-introduced at this site following it’s removal some time ago (after a similar act of vandalism).”
Steps were taken to have the unit removed to look at the viability of its refurbishment and I have been assured that I will be updated on developments.
A number of residents have said they wouldn’t like to lose the facility, so have made clear to the Waste Management Department that if it has concerns about putting the it back at the original location, I’d be grateful if an alternative local site could be found for the people in the area.
Friday 22nd : Near to the Cleghorn Street site, in the bushes area in Black Street, I had received complaints about the extent of rubbish lying about. I had a visit to see the extenmt of it (see left) and have brought this to the attention of the Economic Development Department of the City Council who own the area of and around the former play park in Black Street.
Wednesday 27th : A meeting with the new Police Inspector for the West End area. Following the police section boundary changes, the whole of the West End Ward is now part of the same police section, based at the Lochee Police Office, but with the sub-station at Ryehill. A good meeting and a useful chat about local issues.
Later that day, I attended a meeting of the Harris Academy Parent Council. The City Council’s recently appointed Head of Secondary Education was in attendance and answered questions on a variety of matters of concern to the Parent Council.
Thursday 28th : Along with Tayside Fire and Rescue and City Council staff and colleague, I attended a site visit to the burnt out derelict garage in Benvie Road. Go to to view my earlier article about concerns here, following last month’s fire.
Later that day, I also attended a meeting of the West End Local Community Planning Partnership and, amongst the matters discussed and agreed, was a plan of action to tackle the very real concerns about safety at the Benvie Road derelict garage. There was also a very useful update on West End youth issues.

Tayside Police non-emergency number

Last year, Tayside Police introduced a non-emergency telephone number across the Tayside Force’s area, to replace localised phone numbers across Tayside for non-999 calls.

Tayside Police 0300 111 2222

Tayside Police 0300 111 2222



However, the “0845” number was not memorable and there are also issues about charges made by some telecommunications companies make in relation to “08” prefixed numbers.


Tayside Police has therefore changed the number to :


0300 111 2222


I think that is a very sensible move and will be welcomed.

Thoroughfare from Shaftesbury Road to Perth Road, adjacent to Seymour Lodge

I am very pleased at the positive response from Tayside Police to my request that the Force upgrade an area of pathway in their ownership, that is extremely well used by residents in the West End, but currently in very poor condition.
Last month, I raised the condition of the thoroughfare from Shaftesbury Road to Perth Road, adjacent to Seymour Lodge (click on headline above to view) and this led to two representatives of Tayside Police meeting me on-site last Wednesday, and a resultant agreement by Tayside Police to upgrade and resurface the west side of the thoroughfare, adjacent to Seymour Lodge, a building in the Force’s ownership.

I have to say that I am delighted by Tayside Police’s very prompt and efficient response to requests for an upgrade that I have received from local residents. The pathway has deteriorated badly over the years and the commitment to resurface it and create a proper pavement edge will be a boon to local pedestrians.

The Police have indicated that it will take some weeks for work to progress as there will be a need to liaise with the local authority on drainage issues. However, their representatives advised that they would progress this issue as a priority.

Tayside Police single non emergency number (SNEN)

Tayside Police has advised me that it is to be introducing a single non emergency telephone number to replace a large range of existing non emergency phone numbers across the Force’s area.

This will mean that people will be able to call the Police on non-emergency matters from anywhere in Tayside on one number. I think that’s to be greatly welcome, and as Tayside Police says,

“Currently it can be confusing to know which number to call in either emergency or non emergency situations. The move to a single non emergency number will be linked to the provision of more detailed information about when to use 999 or the new number.”

You can read the full details by clicking on the headline above.