An update on crossing concerns at City Road/Tullideph Road

Further to my recent item about concerns from residents in the Tullideph area about the temporary crossing arrangements across City Road to the shops, during the current work to replace the traffic lights, and as reported in today’s Courier and Evening Telegraph, the Managing Director of Tayside Contracts has advised me :


Further to our telephone conversation regarding the crossing of elderly residents of the sheltered housing complex adjacent to the Tullideph Road/City Road junction I can confirm the actions we have taken since you raised the issue with me yesterday.



It is not possible to get 4 way lights with pedestrian phases as standard and the lead in time is around 4 weeks to order these. Therefore to ensure that the pedestrians are protected crossing the road I have arranged for a man to be on site from 8:15 to 16:30 whose sole duty is to assist pedestrians crossing the roads at this junction. He will be on site every day this week including Saturday and Sunday. The current plan is that the lights will be fully operational next Monday 15 November 2010.

If for any reason this is delayed then he will remain on site for the necessary days next week and will only be removed when the lights are fully operational.


I trust that this fully addresses the problem you have raised with me but should there be anything else or any alteration to the times of the man on site considered necessary please let me know.”

Residents tell me that the member of staff helping elderly residents across this busy road during daytime worked well yesterday. Hopefully the new lights will be working by next week but I am meantime grateful to the contractor for acting swiftly on this safety concern.

Temporary crossing concerns at City Road/Tullideph Road

I have received concerns from residents in the Tullideph area about the temporary crossing arrangements across City Road to the shops, during the current work to replace the traffic lights.   

Whilst replacing the lights with new (and better functioning) ones is to be welcomed, the temporary crossing is a concern as pedestrians have to cross in a more diagnonal route rather than straight across.   This is a particular concern in relation to the area’s many elderly folk many of whom take a little longer to get across.   There are also concerns being raised about the amount of time per day the contractor is spending on the work at the junction.

I raised the concerns with the City Council this week and have received the following feedback :

“I would agree that the works at City Road / Tullideph Road, in refurbishing the traffic signal junction have taken longer than anticipated.However, it was only Thursday that the permanent traffic signals were switched off and therefore the junction has been operating normally, including pedestrian movements, for the duration of the works to date.

I anticipate that the new signal arrangement will be operational on Monday 15th November and the temporary traffic signal arrangement utilized in the interim, will have pedestrian facilities. I agree that it is frustrating that the contractor chooses to apply this level of resource to this job which results in the timescales observed. But the improved traffic signal facility and improved efficiency of operation will hopefully make up for the short term inconvenience.”

I have responded as follows :

“… my major concern here is that the temporary pedestrian crossing facility is not really satisfactory for getting elderly folk across safely – can anything be done to improve it during the period up to the 15th?”

I will be speaking further with City Council officers regarding this matter.

Tullideph Road/City Road traffic lights refurbished

Last month, I reported that there were plans for improvements at the Tullideph Road/City Road traffic lights.   I am pleased to advise that the City Council has now updated me as follows :

“The City Road / Tullideph Road traffic signal junction is being refurbished at present.   These works will be complete in two weeks time and all previous perceived problems associated with this junction should then be rectified.”

Tullideph Road/City Road traffic lights : an update

Following my highlighting residents’ concerns earlier this week about the amber light not working at part of the above junction, the City Council has now assured me that the maintenance contractor has been asked to check the junction.

I have also been advised that the lights-controlled signals here are scheduled for upgrade work in the very near future.

Roof improvements for the Tullideph area

A roof repair programme for parts of City Road, Tullideph Road and Tullideph Place starts on Monday (21st June), with work on Tullideph Road starting first, City Road second and concluding with Tullideph Place.

The programme should complete by September.

The Housing Department has written to tenants with full details and I am also happy to speak with any tenant who may have any questions about the forthcoming work.

Wednesday update

Following the fallen tree issue in Tullideph Road I mentioned earlier today, I had confirmation this morning from the City Council that it will be removed tomorrow. To quote the Forestry Officer :

“I am aware of this tree and it is programmed along with similar others in the area to be removed tomorrow morning. The main reason for the time taken is the actual high number of damaged trees in last week’s wind when we had multiple trees blown against school buildings, houses and roads and we had to prioritise a programme of works, which is progressing well.”

This afternoon, at the invitation of the West End Boys Amateur Boxing Club, I attended their meeting with the BBC. It was good to see the BBC’s interest in the club that has achieved a great deal in a short time. We talked about improving facilities for sporting and community groups in the West End, something already being discussed with other groups such as the Riverside Boys Junior Football Club and Friends of Magdalen Green.
Tonight, I attended the monthly meeting of the Community Spirit Action Group, the residents’ group for the ‘north’ of the West End – Pentland, Ancrum, Cleghorn and surrounding areas. It was well-attended and good to see the group launching their first ever residents’ newsletter.

Fallen tree reported

As reported in today’s Courier, I have reported to the City Council’s Forestry Officer and the Area Housing Manager a fallen tree in Tullideph Road – opposite the shops near the junction with City Road.
The tree has fallen right across the footpath, resulting in pedestrians having to trail through the muddy grass to get past.
I have asked the council to have it removed as soon as possible.

Vandalism concern – Tullideph Road

Today’s ‘Courier’ covered residents’ concerns about vandalism in Tullideph Road and my actions in seeking to get the mess left behind removed.
Go to to view the story.
I am pleased to advise that the mess was cleared this morning and that I have been promised fencing repairs.
I am most grateful to the Courier for highlighting concerns of residents. The issue of vandalism will be discussed at the next meeting of “Community Spirit”, the community group for the area.

Tullideph Area Update

I have had feedback from Dundee City Council regarding proposals it has agreed to, following my raising safety concerns at the junction of Tullideph Place and Tullideph Street.

These streets are in an area of sheltered housing and although the number of traffic movements is limited, residents have expressed concern about the speed of a minority of cars and the lack of road markings at the junction of the two streets.

The City Council has now advised me that the junction of Tullideph Street and Tullideph Place has been inspected to assess suitable improvements. I have been told that it is proposed to introduce a centre line to emphasise the sharp bend. This should help deter traffic from taking the fastest approach round the bend on the wrong side of the road and the markings will be undertaken early in the new financial year.

I am also advised that ‘SLOW’ markings could be considered at a later date if these initial measures require further emphasis.

I also raised with the Planning & Transportation Department the need for dropped kerbing at the Tullideph Street/Tullideph Road junction.

The Council has already confirmed it will improve the existing dropped kerbs at the City Road/Tullideph Road junction (see earlier story by clicking on headline above) but I am glad to say that it will now also provide new dropped kerbing – where there is currently none – at the Tullideph Street/Tullideph Road junction.
This will be provided during the current financial year.

City Road, Tullideph Road, Tullideph Street

I’m pleased to have been advised by Dundee City Council that the dropped kerbs and red tactile paving at the signalised City Road and Tullideph Road junction are to be improved this financial year.

The area has many elderly people so I am pleased that this improvement to dropped kerbing and tactile paving is planned.

I have also recently raised with the City Council the issue of road safety in Tullideph Street, an area with sheltered housing. This follows the recent community meeting at Balgay Church Hall – and residents are concerned about some vehicle speeds. Although I am advised that there have been no injury accidents here during the past three years, I am discussing with Council staff the concerns of residents to see what steps can be undertaken to alleviate these concerns.

Busy Saturday …

Firstly, thanks to everyone who helped today with West End FOCUS deliveries; many thousands delivered in a rather windy and slightly soggy environment!
I have complained to the City Council’s Economic Development Department about the state of the walls of their industrial units in Peddie Street (see above right) and have asked for the graffiti to be removed.
I have also received complaints that there are absolutely no signs in Perth Road itself to indicate that Riverside Approach is closed as a result of repair work. They are at the south entrance to Riverside Approach but nothing to stop drivers going down, say, Roseangle or Thomson Street, only to find Riverside Approach closed.
On 30th May, I mentioned the trip hazard at the bus stop in Tullideph Road – click on headline above to view story. I have now had feedback from the City Council as follows:
“This hole in the footway was left when the previous variable message system at the bus stop was dismantled and the new bus stop pole installed. The footway should have been reinstated at the time but this was overlooked. Street Lighting coordinated the works and they have arranged with Tayside Contracts to have a temporary repair carried out to make safe, followed by a permanent reinstatement at a later date.”
I have now had feedback on my request for detail of speed/safety surveys in Scott Street, following issues raised by residents. Here is the feedback from the Planning & Transportation Department :
“A speed survey was carried out at Scott Street as well as Blackness Road and City Road. The survey was carried out in the first week in February.
Results did not show a problem with speeding at Scott Street in relation to other similar streets in the City, (with average speed of 27 mph for both directions and an 85th percentile speed of 34 mph which demonstrates that a relatively small number of cars are travelling over 30 mph).
As a result, the police did give attention to both Blackness Road and City Road.
In view of the results there was no case to give similar attention to Scott Street, however, if residents are finding that there is a problem associated with certain vehicles at known times, perhaps these details could be forwarded to the road policing unit for their attention.”

West End site visits, Botanic Gardens, Western Cemetery and Graffiti

A busy couple of days, with a couple of site visits with residents, firstly to Tullideph Road where’s there’s a pavement fault next to the bus stop opposite the shops near the City Road junction (see right) and to Paton’s Lane about an unlit ‘one way’ sign. Both now reported to the Planning & Transportation Department for attention.

The steering group of the proposed Western Cemetery Association met yesterday. They are planning a public launch event at West Park on Tuesday 18th September – a lunchtime event, followed by a cemetery walk and talk by Iain Flett, Dundee City Archivist. More details later and see for more details of the Cemetery.

I also had a meeting yesterday at the Botanic Gardens to discuss the long-term future of the Gardens. I am anxious that the Gardens are given a long-term sustainable future by the University of Dundee and keen the City Council plays its part in this. I have also discussed the issue with the Council Leader and the Convener of Economic Development.

I have also had useful meetings with the Director of Planning & Transportation, the Council Leader and the Head of Waste Management; the latter about the graffiti issue. I am keen that this issue is given prominence, with innovative ways of addressing the problem. Click on the headline above, for example, to see the innovative way Bisbane City Council in Australia has tackled graffiti on its utility and similar boxes.