Latest local issues …

Visited Pentland Avenue today to speak with residents and see the extent of flooding over parts of the footpath – I have raised the issue with the City Council.
Last month, I wrote to Royal Mail about the ‘missing’ post box at the corner of Hazel Drive and Glamis Terrace. The Courier managed to get a commitment from Royal Mail that the postbox would be replaced (the original one had apparently rusted and was removed).
Royal Mail has e-mailed me to say “… according to our system this posting box was removed from 16th January until 31st January but has now been replaced and is being collected as normal.” Anyway, as the photo (above right) shows that a postbox is definitely back in place!
I’ve had complaints about potholes in Thomson Street and graffiti at Strawberrybank and have received assurances from the City Council that both will be attended to.