One City, Many Discoveries

City of DiscoveryAs the ‘Creative Dundee’ blog pointed out back in April, the “City of Discovery” campaign is no longer (see “RIP Dundee, City of Disco Very” at

The campaign was recently re-born as “Dundee – One City, Many Discoveries” – see logo below. Actually I rather like the new branding (hence the sticker on my car!) but it is not entirely great that if you go to the site you are met by the stunning page indicating : 

“Could not grab the file from:”

OK, a temporary problem I am sure (I have advised the Director of City Development and the Head of Public Relations at the City Council) and if you can manage to hack your way into the site, the Dundee Ambassadors bit is a good concept.   Go to to see more.

The branding is fresh and updated; City of Discovery has moved on and it is really rather good.One City Many Discoveries