West End Schools – Logie site

As residents will be aware, the City Council has sought deregulation from the 1967 School Premises (general requirements and standards) (Scotland) Regulations in respect of the proposal to build new primary school facilities for St Joseph’s and Park Place Primary Schools and a new Park Place Nursery School.
A decision by Scottish Government has taken weeks and I recently asked for an update from the Director of Education. Here is his response :
“Dear Fraser

Part of the process for determining whether deregulation should be approved or not is the consideration by the Government to a report by HMIe on the proposal. For some reason, the HMIe report has taken more time than I envisaged or hoped. I have now had an assurance from HMIe that that report has now been forwarded to the Scottish Government. With somewhat bated breath I look forwarded to a decision being made soon. It will also be my intention to contact the School Estates directorate to confirm that the matter will now be dealt with speedily.



I hope that Scottish Government will now advise the City Council of its decision in the very near future.