Dundee WestFest World Record Attempt – photocall launch!

This afternoon, along with councillor colleagues and two of the area’s MSPs, I took part in the launch of the Dundee WestFest World Record Piggy Back Race Attempt!    Here’s a photo and the WestFest Press Release below sort of explains all …!

Dundee WestFest is announcing an attempt at the official Guinness World Record for the biggest Piggy Back Race .

The launch will take place this Sunday 22/5/11 at 1 pm at the Bandstand on Magdalen Green Dundee

Taking part in the launch will be Councillors Fraser Macpherson, Jim Barrie and Donald Hay, MSPs Jenny Marra and Joe Fitzpatrick

along with a fancy dress pig and jockey and a small crowd.

Dundee WestFest a world record

The record breaking attempt, being held on Fathers’ Day, will be the centrepiece of Big Sunday (19/6/11) WestFest’s gala day on Magdalen Green to bring the weeklong festival to a close. The event is open to all but the organisers want as many fathers and their children as possible to celebrate the day by being part of a World Record. Big Sunday will see Magdalen Green filled with an afternoon of fun events; community group and sport displays; the Courier’s and Fat Sam’s Rock Talk Stage featuring the best local bands; Radio Tay’s Road Show; a beer tent; craft and food stalls as well as a car show.

The attempt is a celebration of Dundee’s other world record; the longest journey by a seaplane achieved by the Mercury Maia flight. The feat was accomplished using a small seaplane riding piggyback on a larger one and flew from Dundee to Orange River South Africa in 1938.

Chair of WestFest Paola McClure said, “We thought this would be a really fun event.   We need over three hundred people to smash the record so we are asking local community groups, sports teams, clubs and businesses or individual pairs to join in. We hope people will use it as an opportunity to get sponsorship for their own groups or charities. We have even arranged a discount at Party Wizard if people want to take part in fancy dress”. Details of how to enter can be found on the WestFest website www.dundeewestfest.co.uk, by emailing piggyback@pix-ar.co.uk or calling 07432 377321

“We are looking forward to a week of great events from classical guitar to cabaret and alternative music. There will be taster sessions on offer in things such as dance and circus skills and new things are being added to the website calendar every day. Drama and literature are not being overlooked and there will be something for everyone including children’s storytelling, book launches, poetry reading in an unusual venue and the unmissable Bob Servant Hero Of Dundee introduced by the author Neil Forsyth and portrayed by Dundee Rep’s John Buick. Nor is the week without a bit of clout; on Friday 17th January, at the invitation of WestFest, Dundee’s Brian Taylor will be broadcasting the Big Debate live from the Bonar Hall, so if you have ever wanted the opportunity to put the people who make things happen on the spot, now is your chance. The shape of the programme is governed by the questions posed by the audience but we expect issues such as community and the big society and Scottish independence to be hot topics.”  Details of how to join in can be found on the BBC Scotland website.

Chair Paola McClure continued, “WestFest’s Big Sunday is also open to community groups who would like a space for setting up their own stall or activity, Whether it is to raise funds or let the world know what they do, we invite them to join in and help make it a week to remember. WestFest is all about the community of Dundee so speak up and join in.”