Dundee’s universities – an update

As readers of www.dundeewestend.com are aware, I have made clear my opposition to the merger of the University of Dundee and the University of Abertay Dundee, and I therefore welcome the apparent reassurance made by Alex Salmond at First Minister’s Questions yesterday that there would be “no forced merger” of our two universities.   Let us hope he is as good as his word.

Today, along with the City Council Group Leaders on the City Council representing the Conservative, SNP and Labour parties, as Liberal Democrat Group Leader, I signed a joint letter to Alex Salmond on this matter that can be summed up by its final sentence :

“Much can be gained by mutual co-operation;  much can be lost by a merger.”

This evening, along with colleagues from Dundee Liberal Democrat Association, I met with the Secretary of the University of Abertay Dundee’s Branch of the University and College Union.   We had a most productive meeting at which we agreed that the continued independence of our two universities in the city must be real and demonstrable.    

I am sure all realise this matter is not, as yet, fully or properly resolved.