Ryehill Police Station refurbishment – an update

Further to my recent item about the refurbishment of the Ryehill Police Station, just a reminder that the station is closed from tomorrow.   A further update from our local police inspector:
“Ryehill Police Office will be closed from the 11th March 2013 for a period of 10 working days (in reality 2 weeks) to enable Tayside Police to carry out maintenance and repair works both internally and externally. 
A notice will be placed on the front door of the police station informing members of the public of the situation. 
The 101 telephone number (non emergency) will still be available. 
Ryehill officers will be working from either Police HQ or Lochee Police Office. There will be no reduction in patrols (Community or Response). 
Supervisors will monitor the situation daily to ensure that there is minimum impact on the community.”