Visit to City Church Dundee

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of speaking with the folk at City Church Dundee at the Friary in Tullideph Road and to drop in at their weekly “Community Bridge” which takes place every Monday between 11am and 1pm.   
The Community Bridge seeks to build community, promote social integration and provide support to individuals and families in need. The Bridge was launched in August 2012 and is based in The Friary’s Community Halls.   Not only does this excellent initiative provide help and support in a friendly and relaxing environment, all attending get a light lunch and tea/coffee free of charge.   
It is one of a number of excellent initiatives at the church – other initiatives include the Little Stars Group for pre-school children, the Hub youth drop-in and a Knit and Natter group every Monday evening.
It is great to see these excellent community initiatives taking place, with City Church Dundee making such a positive impact on community life in the area.