West End Blethers – extended until Christmas! #dundeewestend

From Dundee Pensioners’ Forum :

Our West End Blethers cafe, at The Friary on Tullideph Road on Thursdays, has been extended until Thursday 23rd December.

It is aimed at older people in the West End – and takes place between 12 noon and 2 pm every Thursday between now and then

We have some funding for transport – so if you need transport, get in touch – details on poster.

Our final event, on 23rd December will have a Christmas theme.

It’s a great project – encouraging older people to get out of the house for a wee while to have a cup of tea/coffee, cake, scones, and a bowl of soup. 

The Friary Cafe itself offers a food larder (10 items for £2) and free fruit and vegetables from its community garden.