Help the Aged : Please give to the DEC Myanmar (Burma) Cyclone Appeal

From Help the Aged :

On Friday 2nd May winds up to 150mph struck Myanmar (Burma). Cyclone Nargis created a 3.5 metre high storm surge, inundating coastal areas.

Tens of thousands of people have died and up to 1 million are believed to be homeless. We urgently need your help.

A state of emergency has been declared and there is a desperate need for food, water, shelter and basic healthcare.

An estimated 170,000 older people are affected, many of whom have lost their homes, families and livelihoods.

Cyclone Nargis has created unprecedented damage in Myanmar (Burma), and aid agencies are only just reaching the worst affected areas to provide relief.

Older people are particularly vulnerable during emergencies, but are often sidelined during relief efforts.

Help the Aged and HelpAge International are co-ordinating an emergency response team to ensure that older people across the worst affected areas are not forgotten by the aid effort.

We are often the only organisations focusing on the needs of vulnerable older people. We have the staff and expertise to help, but need your donation to help save lives.

How you can help?

Please donate to the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Appeal. Click on the headline above to do so. Any amount you can spare will help.

  • £25 could provide mosquito nets for ten people protecting them from malaria in the aftermath of the cyclone

  • £50 could pay for clean water and water purification tablets for one family for three months

  • £100 could provide Household Kits for ten families, giving them the basic items for survival

Hundreds of thousands of older people are without food, shelter or medical supplies.

Please take the time to help them today.

Thank you.